ASSEMBLY Serve Teams

Homeless Outreach Ministry - Brandon and Melissa Hayes lead this group that's mission is to minister to the homeless community. This group plans to meet and minister to the homeless on the third Saturday of every month.

Assembly Connection Team - If you have the gift of hospitality, then the connection team is for you! This group makes hundreds of guests feel welcome each year with gifts delivered right to their front door. This group led by Christa Shepherd is made up of cookie bakers, assembly teams, and delivery teams and we have a place for you! Please see Christa for more information.

Security Team - This team ensures a safe and peaceful atmosphere for The Assembly's weekly events and worship services.

Next Steps -This team is led by Brandon & Sarah Graham and is comprised of "Next Step" leaders who help members find their belonging and use their gifts for the Kingdom.

Assembly Cart Ministry - This group is more than a shuttle ride to the door, it’s an opportunity to be the feet of Jesus and share a smile, a friendly conversation, and curbside service. If you are looking for ways to serve, consider joining the Assembly Cart Team which has three 1 hour shifts starting at 8:30 am, 10:30 am, and 12:00 pm. This group is led by Todd Sanders.

Feeding the Force - This group meets on the 1st Sunday of the month at 7:30 am to prepare hot and ready breakfast items for our ever-growing Assembly Serve Team. This group is always looking for new team members to help serve a quick meal to those who are serving in ministries throughout the Assembly. This group is led by Micheal Edwards.

Warner Robins Rehab Outreach - Each Sunday at 2 pm, Ron and Beth Clymer will lead this group that will minster to individuals living in rehab centers throughout Warner Robins. Their group will be based on Mark 16:15 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Intercessory Team - This team is led by Rose Whalen. This team prays during the services for all ministries and for urgent prayers when needed. We will meet on the second Thursday of every month at 7 PM in the assembly auditorium.
Ushers Team - Bob Keller leads this team that oversees the weekly tithes and offering collection as well as welcoming and seating guests in the sanctuary.

Greeters/Lobby Team - This team, led by Michelle Traugh, oversees the activities in the worship center lobby. This includes hospitality, information, and greeters.

Lobby Décor - Kim Reeves leads this team that oversees the design and décor for special events, occasions, and holidays in the lobby areas of the church.

Parking Team - Dwayne Browne leads this team that is in charge of managing the parking for services and special events.

Nursery Team - Melissa Hayes & Christy Williams co-led this team that provides childcare for newborns up to five years of age. This team allows parents to enjoy service while their children are kept safe while teaching them lessons from the Bible.

Event Security - This team provides security services during special events hosted by The Assembly.

Choir - This team of singers is led by Sara DeJournett and provides musical support for special events and services at The Assembly

Baptisms Team - Candy Cox leads this team that supports the celebration of those who have made the next step in their faith through water baptism.

Media Team - Becky Bellavance leads this team that manages the many forms of media that The Assembly uses to spread the Gospel through audio, video, and social media.

Growth Track - Clarence and Octavia Wesley lead this team that oversees the growth track class which transitions attendees to contributing members into the Kingdom.

Photography Team - This team is led by Josh Smith and is in charge of capturing the weekly services and special events in photographs that are shared through multiple social media outlets.

Band - This team of musicians is led by Charlie Gilbert and provides musical talent for The Assembly's services and special events throughout the week.

Creative Team - This team is comprised of creative minds that help design and implement new projects and ideas throughout the church and ministries.

Ladies Ministry - Michelle Creamer leads this team that oversees The Assembly's Ladies Ministry. This team plans special events, outreach opportunities and worship services.

Celebrate Recovery Team - This Team is led by Pastor Terry Theus and is focused on assisting the Celebrate Recovery Ministry to provide support as greeters, ushers as well as cooking and serving.

Oasis Team - This team, led by Pastor Al Rowan, is focused on ministry to 55+ community and assist with greeting, cooking and serving others.

Prayer Team - This Team, led by Pastor Jim and Dot Butler, is comprised of prayer warriors that assist in the worship service and provided support to those who are seeking spiritual encouragement or salvation.

Merchandising Team - This team is led by Karen Culverson and manages the church's merchandise as well as providing support to merchandise tables during special events held at The Assembly.

Assembly Kid's Church Team - This team is led by Pastor Jason McCoy and supports the weekly Kid's worship services and special events planned for children ages 5-12.