Assembly Kids is for kids ages 5-12 and is led by Pastor Jason McCoy. Pastor Jason, along with his trained and background-checked team, is committed to teaching kids about Jesus Christ and his love for us. During Kids Church, the children have a time of worship and interactive Bible study. Assembly Kids love the fun characters and videos that help teach each week’s biblical message. We believe that we must begin teaching our kids the word of God from a young age, and that is the main goal of Assembly Kids. For information concerning Assembly Kids, please contact our Children’s Pastor, Jason McCoy at jmccoy@theassemblyga.org.
Assembly Kid's Church Videos
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Mar 16, 2023
The story of Paul in Legos
BGMC Challenge Head shaved & Gross Food from 2015
Return of Tango
Princess Mozzy Saga
Ella's Bible Battle
BGMC Challenge 2018
The Bad Dad
Coins 4 Kids - Mystery Balloon Pop
BGMC Challenge Trifecta 2019
"Falling for Mission" BGMC Challenge Skydiving
The Story of Samuel
The Unwise Dad
The Story of Zacchaeus
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The 10 Rocks of Truth
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Story of Jonah in Legos
Samson in Legos
Parable of The Lost Son
Jesus Feeds Over 5,000
Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
God's Word Protection in the Psalms
Fruit of the Spirit
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Sunday Mornings
Kids Church Service
Kids Church should be as fun as it is spiritually uplifting! Below are just a few things we consistently do in the Assembly Kids Church Service:

7:00 pm

6:30 pm
Boys and Girls Club meets every Wednesday night in the children’s building.
Boys and girls Kindergarten to 5th grade meet together at 6:30 and then separate into different club classes.
For more information please email Pastor Jason McCoy at jmccoy@theassemblyga.org
Boys and girls Kindergarten to 5th grade meet together at 6:30 and then separate into different club classes.
For more information please email Pastor Jason McCoy at jmccoy@theassemblyga.org